Editing and Proofreading
22 years in business | 630.360.3043
Dallas Editing

Dallas Proofreading & Editing Company

Send your project to us; we'll return it promptly and properly, whether it's a manuscript, a dissertation or some other form of writing.

Founded in 1841, Dallas is now the ninth largest city in the United states with 386 square miles of land and 1.3 million residents. The Dallas-Fort Worth area is home to 6 million people (more than 20% of all Texas residents). Dallas has 25 million annual visitors.

Dallas Nicknames

Big D, D-town

Dallas Firsts

Dallas Inventions

Dallas Fun Facts

Famous People from Dallas

Angie Harmon, Owen Wilson, Mark Cuban, Dr. Phil, Kelly Clarkson, Tommy Lee Jones, Lance Armstrong, Don Henley, Kathy Bates, Ross Perot, Troy Aikman, Leann Rimes, Terry Bradshaw, Jessica Simpson, Steve Miller, Morgan Fairchild, Meat Loaf, Aaron Spelling, Laura Bush, Vanilla Ice, Lee Trevino, Jamie Foxx, and Chuck Norris.