Editing and Proofreading
22 years in business | 630.360.3043
purchasing editing

Purchasing Editing & Proofreading Services

What Could Be Simpler?

Fill out our form and upload your file. Indicate whether you want proofreading and editing or you want to add formatting. We will email you an invoice with a link to a secure online processing system where you can pay with a credit card, debit card, or a Venmo or PayPal account.

That's all that's necessary but for more information, read below.

Payment Security
We make use of the most powerful and updated security measures including the industry standard in encryption (128-bit secure socket layer). This is the highest level of security commercially available and is the same standard of security used in cash machines (ATMs) and by many retail stores. To protect private information, we have partnered with Venmo, PayPal and SquareUp to offer one of the most trusted financial transaction systems on the Internet. The entire payment process is conducted through one of these secure websites, which adhere to global PCI (payment card industry) compliance standards for data security.

The Right Person
The chief editor will pair your project with a managing editor having the necessary skill set. The chief editor then oversees the whole process. We see to it that our editing team has the necessary knowledge and skills. Each one has undergone a complete background check and has signed our confidentiality agreement. WordSharp has been providing services to people all over the world for more than a decade. We hire consummate professionals to help you communicate with style, clarity and focus.

You retain complete ownership and copyright of your materials. Further information on these matters is available on our privacy policy and security information page.

Turnaround Time
A member of our editing staff can usually respond within an hour or two. Our writing editors complete most submissions within a few business days. We will accept your submission only if we can have it finished and back to you before your deadline.

Document Formats

We support digital texts in a range of formats including: Microsoft Word, Works, Excel, AppleWorks, Pages, Rich Text and others. Files must be submitted in one of these formats unless other arrangements were made in advance. The standard format is Microsoft Word because of its Track Changes feature. We can return two copies. One is the completed version; the other is the "tracked" version showing all of the changes made and any comments from your managing editor. Using the tracked version, you may individually accept or reject any change made. Clients who submit projects in other digital formats receive the final copy along with a separate file of comments.

Rates listed on the site are in U.S. dollars.
Please note:
We do not write papers for students.