Editing and Proofreading
22 years in business | 630.360.3043

Self-Publishing Services / Author Services

If you don't see exactly what you want,
just write to us to ask!

Founded in 1999, WordSharp is an author services company with staff having decades of experience in editing, proofreading, formatting and conversion. We have a team of skilled editors, each with his or her own field of experience, and a group of formatters, designers and cover experts, ensuring that you have everything you need. Working with the utmost care, efficiency, accuracy and professionalism, we give our full attention to every manuscript.

Take a look at our author services to decide what you need to help make your manuscript a reality. With editing, formatting, image and graphic layout, PDF creation, cover creation, and a world of specialized publishing knowledge, We can help you with many of the tings you need to self-publish. If you have any questions regarding our services, please don't hesitate to contact us, or ask for a free sample with no obligation. Descriptions of these services and their rates

    Services can include:
  • Proofreading and editing your book

  • Designing the internal format of your manuscript
  • Preparing your book cover for print or ebook
  • Converting your manuscript for ebook/Kindle Fire/DX publication
  • Providing low-cost ISBN registration and maintenance
  • Guidance on Library of Congress (LCCN) registration
  • Guidance on U.S. government copyright registration
