Editing and Proofreading
22 years in business | 630.360.3043
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If you don't see exactly what you want, just write to us and ask!

Determine the number of words in your project using the word count feature in your word processor. Enter the number (without commas) in the first box for proofreading and editing or both boxes if you want to add formatting. We only work on projects totaling $25 USD or more.

Proofreading and editing

= $

Citation style formatting, or print manuscript layout, or digital manuscript layout

= $

Ready for us to get started?
Fill out our form and upload your file. Indicate whether you want proofreading and editing or you want to add formatting. To protect your credit card information, we have partnered with Venmo, PayPal, and SquareUp to offer you the most trusted financial transaction systems on the Internet.


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