Editing and Proofreading
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London Editing

London UK Editing and Proofreading Service

Send your project to us; we'll return it promptly and properly, whether it's a manuscript, a thesis or some other form of writing.

London is the largest city in England and the capital of the United Kingdom. Founded by the Romans, London has been continuously inhabited for over two thousand years and sits alongside the River Thames. With a population of 8,787,982 in the greater area, London is perhaps the most cosmopolitan city hosting speakers of more than 300 languages. London's universities form the largest concentration of higher education institutes in Europe.

London Firsts

London Inventions

London Landmarks

The Tower of London, Kew Gardens, Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral, Piccadilly Circus, Tower Bridge, and Trafalgar Square.

London Fun Facts

Famous Londoners

Alec Guinness, Alfred Hitchcock, Charles Chaplin, Daniel Day Lewis, David Beckham, David Bowie, David Niven, Dudley Moore, Emma Thompson, Francis Bacon, Ian Fleming, Joan Collins, John Gielgud, John Keats, Martin Clunes, Michael Caine, Michael Faraday, Queen Victoria, Roddy McDowell, Roger Moore, Simon Callow, Thomas Becket, Vanessa Redgrave

London Nicknames

The City, the Square Mile, the Big Smoke, the Old Smoke, or just the Smoke