Why digital?
Amazon has millions of Kindle titles, including nearly every New York Times bestseller. Amazon now sells more Kindle books than all print books—hardcover and paperback—combined.
Over one million books are self-published each year (Bowkers, 2018).
Indie authors who have already digitized now make up 50% of profits coming from digital (2016). Amazon British Kindle users are buying four times as many books as they were prior to owning a Kindle.
In 2016, 64% of all readers were reading digital books.
During 2014, 28% of all Americans read ebooks. The number of those who read printed books declined during 2015 (Pew Research Project, 2015.)
Why now?
Conversion has never been so cost-effective. Meet demand now. Your ebook is nearly all profit, people get a much better deal and the world saves trees. What could be better than that? Offer a free download of your first chapter to entice people. Convert your titles to digital formats in current use (ePUB and Kindle Fire/DX). ebook readers and computers with text-to-speech turn your ebook into an audio book! Writers and publishers are finding a new market with the growing interest of ebooks and with the help of advanced technology to convert ebooks from PDF, Word and text formats. Now they can cost effectively market their ebook for customers from any area of the world, helping them to increase ebook sales significantly. Our eContent services are designed to meet the specific needs of your buyers.
Mobile formats
We can even create versions of your manuscript in mobile formats so your book can be read in phone and tablet e-reading applications. Smartphones: Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile, others. Tablets: iPad, Kindle Fire, Galaxy, Touchpad, others. We offer digital formats that work with nearly every reader, tablet, and mobile phone. Our goal is for you to be able to offer your manuscript in any digital format you want or need. If you do not see the digital format you require in our list, email us to request what you need.
Our ebook conversion services
Being a part of the technical team requires skills in HTML, CSS and OPF. Working under the direction of the project manager, dedicated resources are assigned to your project. If additional skill sets are required, they are supplied as needed.
Production Steps
Content Analysis: We undertake comprehensive analysis of your content before beginning the production process.
Work Handling
Your manuscript manager distributes the project among the skilled employees who then perform the required format changing process necessary to convert the given manuscript to your specified ebook format.
Benefits of using our ebook conversion services
We pride ourselves in providing the ebook conversion service to publishers and authors. We have highly skilled personnel, who convert text and image content to Kindle Fire/DX, Mobipocket or Microsoft Reader or a variety of other ebook formats. We convert complex content (e.g., images, tables and graphs) reasonably and quickly, unlike other conversion services. Like our other services, our ebook conversion price is applied on a per word basis.
Mobipocket format
Mobipocket is a binary format for the distribution of eBooks. The Mobipocket format is a form of reflowable HTML. Mobipocket also supports most features of standard HTML to format and layout text and images.
Reflowable formats versus fixed formats
Publication file formats can be separated into two categories, reflowable formats and fixed formats. Fixed layout formats are typically designed for printing, they include PostScript and Adobe PDF. The content of fixed layout files is displayed the same way things will appear once printed. Images, paragraphs and columns are all positioned at fixed coordinates within a page. Reflowable formats are typically designed to be displayed on a variety of screens, where the size is not known or imposed. HTML and plain text are reflowable formats.
Supporting Hardware