Book Services / Self-Publishing
Adventure, author bios, autobiographies, biographies, comedy, contemporary, drama, entertainment, fantasy, fiction, genre editors, health, historical fiction, horror, literature, book manuscript copyediting, memoirs, mind and body, mystery, Nonfiction, plays, reference, romance novel editing, science, science fiction, screenplays, self-help, short story editing, suspense, teen, teleplays, textbooks, thriller, travel, western novel editing, youth.
Citation Style Editing
APA format, MLA, Chicago (CSM), CSE, Canadian Style, Harvard, Turabian, International English, ASA, Australian, Vancouver, Oxford style, or another citation style editing of your choosing. This service also includes all style requirements from your school or journal.
Other Editing Services
British editing; other international editing; discount book cover design; low-cost ISBN registration; Kindle Fire/DX and ePub conversion; 24/7 American editing and formatting; last-minute proofreading; rush editing; budget proofreading; and low-fee hourly editing. Do you correct my grammar? Of course we correct your grammar; that's what we do!