Editing and Proofreading
22 years in business | 630.360.3043
editing and proofreading service

Editing and Proofreading Service

Turnaround is currently 3-5 business days.

Dissertation Editing and Proofreading

All dissertation editing, proofreading, and formatting is performed by professional editors with Ph.D.s. We've helped polish thousands of doctoral dissertations; now, let us help you with yours.

Thesis Editing and Proofreading

We have academic editors, proofreaders, and correctors for other academic content, including a peer-reviewed journal article, research proposal, or thesis.

Business Proofreading and Editing

Our corporate and small business partners are of the utmost importance. Your business is our business. Business editing includes; proposal editing, business manual services and other business editing services that you may need.

Book Editing and Proofreading

Need an expert manuscript proofreader or writing editor? Let us be your second set of eyes improving your fiction or Nonfiction, historical or biographical manuscripts.

eBook Conversion, Editing and Proofreading

Bring your ebook to fruition with low-priced cover design, low-cost ISBN registration, and Kindle Fire/DX and ePub conversion lower than the going rate. We help you make your ebook a reality.

Citation Style Editing Service

We offer citation style editing and formatting with English editing experts specializing in APA format, Chicago (CSM), MLA, Canadian style, CSE, Turabian, Harvard, ASA, International English, Australian, Oxford style, Vancouver, or another citation style of your choosing.

FREE Sample Proofreading and Advanced Editing of Your Document

Send your text so we can illustrate our low-cost editing and proofreading of your work right now. We evaluate your project quickly and skillfully. What could be better?

We Use a Simple Pricing System

Whether you need a manuscript, journal article, or a dissertation edited and revised, there's no logging in, no hassles and virtually no waiting.

We are All Published PhDs in English and Related Subject Fields

with several years to several decades of experience. This means, whether you need a manuscript editor, dissertation proofreader, or business writing editor, our low-cost proofreading service has the people, the skills, and the expertise that you need.

Let us show you what our firm does. Use our form or attach 10 pages or more to an email and ask for a sample. We'll choose a section to proofread, edit, and format, then return it to you.

We read and reread everything to assure correctness

Proofreading and Copy Editing Service

We closely edit your project for spelling, punctuation, and typographical errors ensuring readability by assessing verb tense, grammar, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, subject-verb disagreement, comma splices, and other usage. For editing, we concentrate on logical flow, organization, structure, phrasing ambiguities, levels of diction, lexical register, rhythm, and colloquialisms, we focus on your needs for consistency, theme, style, clarity, concision, tone, and audience appropriateness. See a full list.

Citation Style Formatting Service

If you require an expert in a citation style (e.g., APA format, MLA, Chicago, CSM, ASA, CSE, Canadian Style, Harvard, Turabian, Australian, International English, Oxford Style, Vancouver, or another style of your choice), we evaluate your project to make sure it conforms to citation style requirements.

Academic Editing Services
Journal article line editing, proofreading and citation style editing; thesis citation style editing and proofreading; dissertation editing, proofreading, and citation style; thesis editing and proofreading; proposal proofreading, editing, and citation style; textbook copy editing, proofreading, and citation style, prospectus citation style editing and proofreading.
Business Services
Low-cost copyediting, comparative proofreading, conference materials, financial analyst reports, installation guides, book manuscripts, marketing plans, marketing presentations, media articles, newsletters, operations manuals, reports, RFPs, technical reports, training manuals, training materials, user guides. We also offer per word pricing rather than by the page because it costs you less.
ESL Editing Services
Dissertation editing, proofreading, APA formatting, and citation style; prospectus citation style editing and proofreading; thesis editing and proofreading; textbook copy editing, proofreading, and citation style formatting; journal article editing, proofreading, and citation style; proposal proofreading, line editing, and citation style.

Book Services / Self-Publishing
Adventure, author bios, autobiographies, biographies, comedy, contemporary, drama, entertainment, fantasy, fiction, genre editors, health, historical fiction, horror, literature, book manuscript copyediting, memoirs, mind and body, mystery, Nonfiction, plays, reference, romance novel editing, science, science fiction, screenplays, self-help, short story editing, suspense, teen, teleplays, textbooks, thriller, travel, western novel editing, youth.
Citation Style Editing
APA format, MLA, Chicago (CSM), CSE, Canadian Style, Harvard, Turabian, International English, ASA, Australian, Vancouver, Oxford style, or another citation style editing of your choosing. This service also includes all style requirements from your school or journal.
Other Editing Services
British editing; other international editing; discount book cover design; low-cost ISBN registration; Kindle Fire/DX and ePub conversion; 24/7 American editing and formatting; last-minute proofreading; rush editing; budget proofreading; and low-fee hourly editing. Do you correct my grammar? Of course we correct your grammar; that's what we do!

Client Comments
Thank you very much for clearing up the areas of concern. This will allow me to compile the needed sources and address the issues. You have done an outstanding job and will be getting chapters 4 and 5 of my dissertation when the time comes.

A big thank you for getting me through this process. Your kindness made me feel I have achieved the level of interest I had hoped for. The line editing changes improve the book and yet retain the original feel of my writing.

Quick turnaround! You made it easy knowing I don't have to worry about errors. I've hired you twice and you will do all of my book editing from now on.

I got the manuscript back. Thanks for sending it fast. I am very pleased with the timely manner in which is was completed. You read a lot of things and I am very happy that it made you laugh. Thanks for doing such an outstanding job.

I can't believe how much time I saved having hired you to proofread my manuscript. I am really satisfied with the book editing and will be sending you more in the future.

Writing a manuscript can be time consuming and tedious. WordSharp made the book editing process easy. Having a manuscript line editor and corrector with professional knowledge in business proofreading made a big difference. Additionally, everyone there was always professional.

I am really happy with the results. You guys are truly amazing. I want you to do the manuscript editing for my second book (that I'm writing now).

Man, you people are the best! Honestly! You are one of the most professional and customer service conscious companies I've ever hired. I'll be happy to refer anyone your way for book editing and proofreading or serve as a reference if anyone else asks.

Hey!! Thanks so much! I am grateful for all the comments and corrections. After your thesis proofreading, it's polished and flows. Your editing rocks! May God bless you.